Tierra Viva Gardens is an organic community-scale farm located in Mirabel, Quebec. We produce a wide variety of seasonal vegetables and fruit in open field and in greenhouses, and fresh eggs. We sell our produce directly to consumers at the Valois Market and through online sales.
Our mission:
- Offer superior quality products grown using environmentally-friendly practices to our local community.
- Help consumers and employees connect with the natural environment through direct sales and activities at the farm.
- Provide a stimulating work environment where employees and the farm owner can enjoy the challenges and rewards of farm life.
Tierra Viva Gardens was started by Cinthya Leyva Mancilla in the spring of 2014 and was originally located on rented land in St-Jacques-le-Mineur. In the fall of 2018, we got the opportunity to purchase the 8 beautiful acres previously worked as Serres Joly in St-Augustin, Mirabel.
Cinthya is the owner and manager of Tierra Viva Gardens. She does not come from a farming background but has always been fascinated by nature and loves cooking. She has a bachelor's degree in Agriculture and Environmental Sciences and a master's degree in Plant Science from McGill University. It was an intership at the organic farm Croques-Saisons in Lingwick, Quebec in 2009 that sparked her passion for farming. For the first four years of Tierra Viva Gardens she worked the farm mainly alone but, as the farm grew in size and complexity, so did the team. At peak season, the team is now composed of about 4-6 workers that keep the farm running and bring you the delicious vegetables and fruits you love. We are hiring for the 2024 season! Apply now